
Webcasting expert: the secret of our operation center

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As a major player in webcasting since 2006, Digicast has developed a unique expertise in the field. Thanks to our many years of experience and having delivered thousands of virtual events, this not only gave us an unparalleled view on the industry but enabled us to transfer that knowledge in the renovation of our facilities, studios and operation center. We can't give away all our secrets, but you can still learn more about our control rooms and infrastructure.


Professional and specially trained team

First and foremost, the most important thing about our control rooms is the team of professionals who are there every day. Without them, the best technologies are worthless. The operators are specially trained for our custom webcasting tools. Together, they have over 145 years of experience in webcasting.

They produce your webcasts as if they were television shows. From playback videos to animation to audio and video mixing, they are the artists behind the camera. They are always ready to react if a speaker has a problem or in the event where your show flow changes unexpectedly. Expertise and efficiency are guaranteed!


If you visit our operation center (by appointment, of course), you may come across Stéphane, the supervisor who heads up our operation center team of operators and technicians. The operation center is his kingdom. You'll recognize his workstation thanks to the large summary table. This allows him to keep track of all the operators' requests during virtual, hybrid, studio or remote events. He's ready to go at a moment's notice.

Experts for all aspects of your webcast

Our team brings together experts in all technical and artistic aspects of webcasting.

In the operation center

  • Stage manager
  • Webcasting Technician
  • Quality controller (monitoring)
  • Video encoding specialist
  • Signal acquisition operator
  • IT Experts
  • Director & Producer
  • Interpreter (We work with interpreters from around the world to make webcasts available in multiple languages, as requested by clients)

In the studio

  • Technical Director
  • Director of Operations
  • Director
  • Switcher
  • Sound Engineer
  • Lighting Designer
  • Projection Specialist
  • Visual Content Manager
  • Moderator
  • Stage Manager
  • Teleprompter Operator
  • Concierge

During the organization

  • IT Consultant
  • Consulting role for speakers
  • Project Manager
  • Art director
  • Graphic Designer


22 fully equipped control rooms

The operations center has 20 control rooms and two control rooms dedicated to the interpreters (which also act as back-up control rooms). In the event of a problem or unforeseen event, we always have a back-up solution.

All control rooms are operational 24/7, and distance, time zone and language are never an issue. Digicast has customers from all over the world. We've done webcasts with over 45 speakers on every continent!


How it works

Each control room is built the same way. It includes three computers monitors, i.e. a main computer, a spare computer and a control computer. The operator in charge of your webcast is therefore fully equipped to monitor and manage the event.

The control rooms allow the acquisition of video signals remotely via all known platforms, such as Teams, Zoom, WebRTC (webcam), video conferencing unit, smartphone or landline, etc. Speakers can therefore be located anywhere in the world!

During the webcast

Since several events are usually held simultaneously, only the operators have access to the operation center during the broadcasts. This is a matter of confidentiality for all our clients. However, it is possible to visit the operation center outside of the broadcast times. If you are interested, discuss this with your representative or write to us.

During your webcast, however, you are not left out. You will be able to reserve one of our viewing rooms in order to attend your virtual event in comfort.

Full redundancy

We are ready for anything! If a problem arises, we can fix it with just a few clicks. Our operations are now based on a fully IP and cloud-based environment with full server redundancy.

To ensure the quality and security of your webcast from start to finish, we have implemented full operational redundancy. Servers, internet, electricity, control rooms... For example, we have three different fiber internet connections with three different providers, electrical batteries and a generator.


Meeting rooms

Comfortable, soundproofed meeting and viewing rooms are available to you. If you are webcasting from our studios, you will also have access to meeting rooms, a fully catered kitchen and a private make-up room. These are welcoming and useful facilities.


The technology in our control rooms and our security and redundancy standards are the highest in the industry. They allow us to ensure the smooth delivery of your broadcasts at an optimal cost. The operation center is the result of years of experience and in constant research and development. There is a reason why we are way ahead of the game with our new control rooms. Our knowledge makes life easier for our customers and opens the doors to the future of virtual events.


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